Sunday, March 1, 2015

Follow-through habits for serial quitters | How to find the courage to do anything

I'm a dreamer. 
I dream of these amazing ideas (or so I think) then find myself starting projects that are never completed. 

I've been a fan of Marie Forleo for a few years now.
Every tuesday I'm so excited to see what new video she has to share.
They are always filled with amazing advice that is helping me to create a business and life I love.
 I usually watch her new video every tuesday as soon as it's uploaded. 
Today I found myself feeling discouraged and needing a confidence booster 
so I re-watched a few videos.

I'm in the process of starting a few new projects (I'll be sharing those in a future post). But I could already feel the momentum slipping away. I ran for my laptop because I knew Marie would tell me exactly what I needed to hear. No sugar coating it, just straight to the point sound advice.

The first video I watched was "Follow-Through Habits For Serial Quitters".
(Press play to watch the video below)
"Creative success means balancing your love of starting things 
with the habit of finishing them" -Marie Forleo

Once I watched this video I was super excited again. I wanted to take the first few steps she mentioned in the video to start new creative habits.

I thought to myself, 
"Do you think this is a huge task to try to accomplish on your own? 
Are you sure you can do it? 
What if I get bored and never finish.
What happens if I suck, and what happens if I fail?
How can I start a new project when I have a 5 year old AND I'm pregnant?"

I started to think to myself, how can I do this?

Then I realized I just watch a video a fews weeks ago, explaining exactly how I was going to do it. So I ran back to the laptop, went to youtube and found the perfect video to put these fears at bay.
It was perfectly titled, "How to find the courage to do anything."
I hit play and listened to Maire as she helped to melt my fears away.

(Press play to watch the video below)

"I don't regret the things I've done. 
I regret the things I didn't do when I had the chance."-Unknown (Via Marie Forleo)

Thanks Maire! 
That was exactly what I needed to hear.

I'd love to hear from you. 
What are some projects you started and never finished or what projects did you never start and now you wish you had? Let me know in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by, until next time...

Stay Positive and Stay Inspired

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