Monday, November 3, 2014

Creating the life you want

I don't spend enough time in the present. 
I'm so worried about what needs to be done, 
I'm not taking the time to realize what I have accomplished. 

I set goals.
I achieve those goals.
Then I dream bigger.

My son is teaching me to slow down. 
To be in the moment.

He's already 5 years old.
(These have been the fastest 5 years of my life.)

He teaches me to notice the small things. 
To look at ants and birds. 
Then clouds and airplanes.
To laugh and smile everyday.
To help, and to teach.

I've learned to create art everyday. 
I teach my son you need Art. 
"You need Art, just like you need toothpaste."
Surround yourself with things that make you smile. 
Your favorite colors, your favorite artists, and people who inspire you. 
Surround yourself with love, eat good food, and exercise.

Help others, stay thankful, and stay humble.

Count your blessings. If you don't know where to start, start with this very breath.
"I am so happy and thankful that I can breathe."
With each breath inhale positive energy, and exhale negative energy.
Continue to name everything you are thankful for until you begin to feel better.
(Remember to smile the entire time.)

Think of everything you could ever want in life. 
Every place you want to go. Every food you'd like to eat. Everything you'd like to wear. What kind of car do you want to drive? What kind of home will you live in? Do you have a family? What does your family look like? Where do you work? What do you do? What do you love?
Dream your wildest dreams; then, capture that feeling.

Believe you already have it. 
Give thanks and appreciate everything you have received and everything you have yet to receive. Have faith.

Receive your blessings.

Create the life you want.
What steps do you take to live your dream life?
I'd love to know, leave a message in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by, until next time...

Stay Positive and Stay Inspired

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