Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Get to know me | 10 facts about Tora Carter

1. I love Halloween 
Halloween is one of my favorite days of the year.
It's one of the only nights of the year where you can be whoever you want to be. 
I always loved Halloween as a child, but once my son was born I loved it even more. 
The first Halloween where Zaire went Trick-or-Treating was he was Mr. T. 
He was 14 months old.
Since then he has been a "Geek" and a "Zombie".
Last year Zaire was a ninja.
This year he'll be Captain America.

2. I love sneakers
...The Carters...

3. I love lipstick

4. I love sunglasses
Usually I'm wearing my prescription glasses, but when I have my 
contacts on I love wearing sunglasses. 

5. I love tattoos
Zaire with his temporary tattoos.

6. I love to eat
Good food always makes me happy.
While I was on vacation in Brevard, I visited the restaurant where my brother works as a chef. 
I ordered something small for sunday brunch. 
I loved it.
Bagel with cream cheese, lox, capers, avocado, and onions. 
With fresh sweet potato fries.
I enjoyed an amazing salad when Zaire and I went out for lunch.

7.  My son can't see.
My husband can't see.
I can't see.
Well, we can't see.... perfect.
We all wear glasses.

8. I love the beach
Virginia beach at sunset last winter.

9. I'm a Military Wife

10. I surround myself with people that inspire and uplift me.
Kevin Hart speaking to AJ Calloway at the Dream Out Loud tour in Atlanta, Ga.
Positive energy is a lovely thing.

Thanks for stopping by, until next time...

Stay positive and Stay Inspired


  1. Hi Tora!! super lovely post!!:D Very filled with shots which I love... I love lipsticks too!!:D hahahah have millions shades of red in my make-up drawer!! nearly more than days I have to wear them!!:D
    Hehe.. love it that you're also a photographer mum... I still haven't dress my little man for Halloween and I was on my way to Nursery thinking.. uhm.. what would I do for his outfit? hahaha but also just today I wondered how do people put all those many pics in the same image ... how do you put rows of pics like you did with the lipstick? me and my husband were thinking of me doing shots of me with all different expressions I have but then the problem was that we didn't know which program to use for that, as with Photoshop may take me forever! sure there must be a quicker app... And I'm 100% with you now with being positive and surround myself with inspiring or positive people!!:D Also you're beautiful and have a gorgeous family!:D

    1. Awwww thank you so much Laura! Photoshop would take forever to get create the images. I use an app called Photo Grid, it's a life saver.

  2. You and your family are absolutely beautiful!!! And I love all the pictures, it makes this post that much more personal! Also, I am obsessed with lipstick too!



  3. Great Post! You look like you're having such a good time! You have a beautiful family!


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