Monday, October 20, 2014

20 steps to a happier life | Health and Fitness

What if I told you adding a few things to your  routine would make you happier.
It's true.
By making a few changes you could increase your happiness.

1. Smile
Its the little things but it's a proven fact if you smile it will make you feel happier.

2. Laugh
Watch a funny tv show, a comedy special, look at funny things on the internet, 
or make funny faces in the mirror.
Laughing makes you feel good. Don't take yourself too seriously.

3. Do Yoga
Yoga Racheal was my inspiration to start yoga. 
Now I'm not the best, honestly I'm not even good, but I'm not letting that stop me. 
I fall, but I get back up and try again. 
Don't worry if you're not a pro. Yoga is all about the journey. Keep trying and you'll continue to get better and better. Remember to only compare yourself to the person you used to be.
Sometimes Zaire will also join me.

4. Go swimming
I love swimming, especially with my family. Go to the beach or find a pool.
If it's too cold outside find an indoor pool. Most YMCA's have one.

5. Go running
Running usually makes me feel better. I've been using the Nike+ App and I love it. 
When I started running I could barely make it through one mile. Now a year later I've hit my personal goal of running 10 miles in less than 2 hours.
Keep going...
No excuses...
You can do it!!!

6. Ride a bike
Ride your bike until your problems melt away.
If you're still feeling down while riding your bike make a game out of it. Say something that you're thankful for every time you peddle. Say it out loud if you need to. Don't worry about the people around you, you will feel amazing when you're done.

7. Get outside
Have a picnic, go for a hike, fly a kite, take a walk, just do something outside. 
A little vitamin D can go a long way.

8. Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain.
Literally, dance in the rain. 
Next time its a rainy day don't sit in the house sad and depressed. Grab your umbrella, put on those rain boots and jump in some puddles. 
It's amazing how changing your perspective can change your day. 

9. Look at old pictures
Sometime you have to stop and look how far you've come in life. 
There are ups and downs, but guess what, you're still here, you're still fighting, so keep going. 
Anytime you start to feel bad about where you are look back and remember how far you've come.
You might not be where you want to be, but be thankful you're not where you used to be.

10. Acceptance
Accept where you are in life and who you've become. 
Be thankful about where you are and make the most of everyday.

11. Learn to say "NO"
For me, saying no is one of the hardest things in life. 
I try to help everyone as much as I can but sometimes I take on too much and it becomes stressful. 
You don't have to say yes, all the time. 
Sometimes you have to say "NO". 
It'll be ok, I promise.

12. Surround yourself with Art
I teach my son that you need Art the same way you need toothpaste.
Find an artist whose Art makes you feel something. 
Then when you find that artist, invest in them.
Zaire is surrounded by the art from one of his favorite artist, Paper Frank.

13. Create Art
Paint, draw, color, take pictures or even bake. 
Do whatever makes your spirit happy.
This is a picture Zaire drew of himself.

14. Do something nice for someone else
Make a cake, cook dinner, or buy something for someone else. 
Let the people in your life know that they are appreciated and loved.  
I love to spoil people on their birthday. 
You don't have to spend money either. Just do something to make them feel special.

15. Call your mom
Not everyone is blessed with the opportunity to do this. 
Pick up the phone and call your mother. 
See how she's doing and talk about what's new in your life. 
Mom's are the best, let her know how much you love her.
This is my mom pregnant with me in 1984. Isn't she beautiful.
*insert huge smile here* 
I love my mom so much.

16. Read a book
Go buy a new book, re-read an old one, or just make your way to the library.
Magazines are great too. Grab a cup of tea, a comfy place to sit, and relax.

17. Do something fun
Plan a trip, have a picnic, spend time with your family.
Do something fun together, take pictures, and create new memories.

18. Do your makeup
If you look good, you feel good.
When you're feeling down take a few minutes to put on some makeup. 
It's something so small but when you walk past that mirror 
and see yourself, you're going to smile. 
A little lipstick goes a long way.

19. Stay away from negative people and negativity
Be aware of the energy you bring and be aware of the energy others bring. 
You don't need to be around people who suck the happiness out of you. 
Surround yourself with people that uplift you, not bring you down.

20. Pray
Pray, meditate, give thanks. 
Do what ever you need to do to lift your spirit.
God is always there.

Thanks for stopping by, until next time...

Stay positive and Stay Inspired


  1. What a beautiful blog! You and your little boy are stunning! I need to do more of what you list out for sure. I practice yoga daily and can't wait to do certain poses. thanks for sharing!


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