Thursday, October 23, 2014

Self Acceptance | Fitness Journey

It's crazy how much could change in one year. I remember this time last year weighing myself and being horrified. I was uncomfortable in my own skin. It was at that time that I decided to make a lifestyle change. I cut my sugar intake and drank lots of green juice. I started running, got a gym membership, and started working out with a personal trainer. The fat melted off. I lost 20lbs in 2 months. I was running about 20-40 miles per month and I felt AMAZING!
Fast forward to January and I moved to Virginia. My family was so excited to be together again. (My husband was away in the Navy.) I cooked 3 meals a day, we went out to dinner, and guess what, I ate cake. Lots and lots of cake.  (Mmmmm)
Slowly the weight came back. Little by little  without me even noticing. One day I tried to put on my favorite shorts and they didn't fit. I got on the scale to find out I had gained 23 lbs over 5 months. I was back at my starting weight plus 3 pounds. I felt horrible.

My first instinct was to go hard, and try to lose the weight, and for some reason it was so much harder this time. I beat myself up, everyday, and felt worse and worse about myself. I was still running, I even met my goal of running 10 miles in less than 2 hours. But since the number on the scale wasn't changing, I didn't celebrate. I told myself I need to do more, I need to do better.
One day I woke up and looked in the mirror and said enough was enough. I made a vow to love me. Exactly how I was. I would learn to love my curves. I got all new clothes so I didn't feel so fat trying to wear clothes that didn't fit. Slowly I began to feel better.

Today, one year into my fitness journey, I weight 3lbs more than I weighed when I started last year but I love myself so much. I love my wide hips, my thick thighs, and my chocolate skin. I believe in myself, and I know what I'm capable of. I run 2-10 miles a day when I feel like it, I eat healthy, I do yoga, and I love me.
I SAID ALL OF THAT TO SAY: Love Yourself. Exactly where you are, right now, today! This time last year I hated who I was, and now 3lbs heavier, I love who I've become. 

Thanks for stopping by, until next time...

Stay Positive and Stay Inspired


  1. This was a very inspirational post and congratulations on your fitness journey! I love that you've found the right balance for you and have found what works and are in control of your body! Most of all, thanks for spreading the positive attitude!

  2. So inspirational. You do have to love yourself and one thing about fitness, if you do it for just losing weight, it doesn't stay and you will doing the workouts. You gotta enjoy it, the journey. I love fitness and I used to beat myself for not getting the six pack but once I enjoyed doing it, it didn't matter so much. I love eating too :p so I think balance is key.

    Keep going Tora!

  3. Lovely post! It's so important to love your body. We workout because we love our body, not because we hate it. Love this so much!

  4. This was so uplifting! I am also beginning to do the just appreciate what I do have.
    ps: you're bloody gorgeous!


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